Saturday, May 11, 2013

Opportunities for Writing

Writing and reading go together and we try to provide opportunities and encourage children to write. Montessori language work begins with the metal insets.  Here a child learns to hold a pencil and gain some control while creating beautiful images in many colors.  As they progress through the many works, children may want to begin writing letters.  They move on to writing their name and pretty soon various messages.  These messages can be anything from writing a sign to let others know to "take only one paper towel" to writing words in a book.  Here are some examples:
T Rex was dead in a big explosion.  To: Angela
 Mother's Day Book of Flowers
"ar" words
Children are not put under pressure to spell things perfectly but encouraged to express themselves by sounding out the words.  Eventually, as they work through the language materials, they see many words and how they are spelled. 

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