Friday, February 10, 2012

Asia studies - Japan

We have had a lot of fun during our week studying Japan! Thank you to our two moms who came in and shared their culture! We had several items from Japan for the children to look at and experience.
We colored a map of Japan!
We colored different images from Japan.
We made sticky rice balls. This was made in a rice cooker which one Mom donated to the school! (THANK YOU- we will be using this a lot as we have discovered the children love sticky rice!) The children helped form them into a pyramid shape. We used our geometric solid shape as a model.
Wrap the rice ball in a piece of nori and eat. This way the rice does not stick to your fingers. Some of the children tried it and others preferred rice without the nori, sticky fingers and all!
One of our mothers wrote the children's names in Hiragana. This is Japanese writing. Some of the sounds such as v and th are not present in Japanese. The writing is phonetic, not a direct translation. Here are a few names.
We also had origami making. This was so fun! The children loved to see how a piece of paper can become a dog, cat or even a ball!
After our craft activities, we shared our special snack, looked at pictures of Japan and the teachers tried on Kimono!
A BIG thank you to our mothers who came and spent the morning with us!!! 

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